Yoshino Nakahara is a multi-talented professional pianist, composer, arranger and bandleader who has performed internationally, and with highly acclaimed musicians such as Gilad Hekselman, E.J. Strickland, Chad Lefkowitz-Brown, Kiyoshi Kitagawa, Yosuke Inoue, Tivon Pennicott, Nori Shiota, Ken Ota, Hidenobu “KALTA” Otsuki, and Ryujin. She is an accomplished musician and a brilliantly skilled pianist described as having beautiful tone, rich harmonies, incredible rhythmic control and great influence from various musical genres.
One of the top and most popular jazz pianists and composers, Grammy nominee Taylor Eigsti, who was described as “the most amazing talent“ by Dave Brubeck, says: “Yoshino is an extremely rare talent…An exceptionally gifted pianist with extensive rhythmic control”.
After hearing and playing with Ms. Nakahara, Gregory Hutchinson, who is described as “the drummer of his generation” in Jazz Magazine and is one of the most highly respected musicians of our time said : “Your time feel is surprising. I know many pianists, but it is rare to see a pianist who plays such adventurous improvisation like you.“ He described her as a pianist who “transcends time signatures“.
As a composer, Ms. Nakahara has gained a distinguished reputation. She is described as “a composer with a great knowledge of harmony and varied melodic ideas“. Hailed as „Yoshino’s writing has instantly memorable melodies and each section is extremely well-connected.“, „Her compositions give the audience the desire to listen more“, Ms. Nakahara’s compostions are “ flawlessly written, always captivating, and structurally impeccable.”
Ms. Nakahara has also received accolades for her work as an arranger. Sound engineer of the famed venue The Bitter End, Ryoji Hata said: “the arrangements seemed to focus on how the music comes across as a whole.” Throughout her career, she has been exposed to various genres and styles that have influenced, and helped to shape her into a rich, unique and impressive arranger.
Yoshino started playing piano at the age of four and studied classical music at the most trusted music school in Japan, Yamaha music school. She noticed her perfect pitch during this time. She was awarded in several composition competitions.
After graduating from Keio University with law degree, she started her career as an office worker. A few years after starting her job, she picked up alto saxophone and became captivated by jazz. She came back to piano and studied jazz with the leading pianist Masaaki Imaizumi. As she became a frequent contributor to live jazz, she realized her growing passion for being a part of jazz community as a musician.
In 2009, Yoshino came to the U.S. and started to fully concentrate on studying Jazz Piano at the most prestigious jazz college, Berklee College of Music with the World scholarship. She developed her techniques and knowledge for performance, composing and arranging. She was honored to receive the Professional Music Major Achievement Award in 2011 for her outstanding musicianship and contribution.
Nord Stage Compact / Roland KC-60 3-CH Mixing Keyboard Amplifier
バークリー音楽大学より奨学金を獲得後、2009年に渡米。2011年、「Professional Music Major Achievement Award」を受賞。ボストンで演奏活動を開始し、 地元ラジオ局等に出演。クラシックのコンサートやミュージカルでも演奏。
2011年卒業後、拠点をニューヨークに移し、北川潔、E.J. Strickland、Gilad Hekselman、Chad Lefkowitz-Brown、Tivon Pennicott等トップクラスのミュージシャンをバンドメンバーに迎え、ライブ活動を行う。2012年9月にはTomi Jazzの「Artist of the Month」に選ばれる。2013年1月には週刊NY生活に特集記事が掲載される。Jazz ,Blues, R&B, Pop, Fusion等、様々なジャンルのバンドでサイドマンとして活動 。2014年4月には、所属するGregory McDowellバンドでの演奏の様子がNew York Timesに掲載される。Zinc Bar, Rockwood Music Hall, Metropolitan Room等の著名なライブハウスで演奏。その他、音楽学校でピアノやフルートの講師として、また教会でオルガン奏者としても活躍。
2014年、 初の帰国ライブを行い、大好評を博した。2015年に、ニューヨークにて自己のバンドでレコーディングした1stアルバム「A Ray of Light」をリリース。収録曲がニューヨーク、サンディエゴ等のラジオで放送される。
太田剣、大槻カルタ英宣、荻原亮、山本連等とライブを重ね、御茶ノ水NARU、Alfie、No Bird、KAMOME等に出演。2017年に初の日本ツアーを実施。FM京都 @station HATS UPにも出演。シンガー への楽曲提供や、バンドのライブ楽曲のアレンジ等も行っている。2018年には、1stアルバム参加メンバーChad Lefkowitz-Brownをニューヨークより迎えて東京にてライブを行い、2019年にはヨーロッパを代表するサックス奏者Pekka Pylkkänenの日本ツアーにメンバーとして参加した。
2020年、2ndアルバム「Eve」と3rdアルバム「Covers: Dramas of Our Lives」を同時リリース。
Official Website: https://www.yoshinonakahara.com
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